Liquidity pools have revolutionized the way trading and lending occur in DeFi platforms, providing liquidity and facilitating global transactions. Understanding what [...]
Liquidity pools have revolutionized the way trading and lending occur in DeFi platforms, providing liquidity and facilitating global transactions. Understanding what [...]
Many believe that decentralized applications (dApps) are the future of the crypto and blockchain space. Thanks to their ability to operate autonomously, these apps provide impressive levels of efficiency and reliability. And although they still have some progress to make before they can become mainstream, dApps are definitely here to stay. Below, we’ll explain what […]
Smart contracts are the bedrock on which many blockchains operate today. They became prominent thanks to the massive success of the Ethereum blockchain, and today, they are more than important to the overall growth of the industry. So, what are smart contracts and how do they actually work? We’ll explain everything you need to know […]
You may have heard the term Total Value Locked in relation to DeFi before. But what does it mean? And why does it matter to crypto investors? What does it mean? Total Value Locked (TVL) is a metric used to indicate the value of crypto assets locked in smart contracts on any given DeFi platform, […]
CeFi vs DeFi: What Are the Main Differences? The term DeFi, short for “decentralized finance,” is quite the buzzword in the finance sphere these days. It refers to the core concept behind blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, in that financial transactions are conducted peer-to-peer globally, without centralized banks or other such intermediaries. For the uninitiated, CeFi, […]
The cryptocurrency industry has been witnessing a significant increase in activity across the board over the past few years. And while most participants in the market still believe that crypto can be a great way to make money, there are several other crypto-related concepts that have expanded beyond cryptocurrency investing and are now on the […]
What is DeFi? Short for “decentralized finance,” DeFi is a broad term that refers both to a new, digital-native financial system and to the range of digital applications and protocols that support it. As its name suggests, DeFi does not entail a centralized system akin to the traditional financial infrastructure of retail banks, multi-national financial […]
An e-wallet, or a digital wallet, is an online service that enables people and businesses to make digital transactions and verify their credentials. Any type of personal data can be loaded into an e-wallet, including debit and credit cards, driver’s license, social security number, loyalty cards, as well as items such as movie tickets and boarding passes.